Joint Council 32 DRIVE (Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education) is our Political Action Committee. JC 32 active and retired members support DRIVE through their financial contributions and volunteer efforts.
We organize Teamsters and their families to volunteer on behalf of DRIVE-endorsed candidates, and contribute urgently needed funds to their campaigns. And once elected, we work with them to pass legislation to improve the lives of working families everywhere. The JC 32 DRIVE Commission multiplies our influence by working with the IBT’s National DRIVE office on labor-friendly issues in the U.S. Senate and Congress. Political candidates interested in JC 32 DRIVE Endorsements should submit a written request by email to Hannah Alstead, [email protected] and Paul Slattery, [email protected]. Please include the office you are running for, your address and telephone number in the request. Please call 612-331-3456 with any additional questions. |
JOIN USPlease email or telephone our JC 32 DRIVE office at 612-331-3456 if you are interested in: